Wexford Education Support Centre

Address: Milehouse Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.
Tel: (053) 9239124
Email: info@ecwexford.ie
Web: www.ecwexford.ie
Eircode: Y21 T271
Wexford Education Support Centre, is one of twenty-one full-time Education Centres throughout the country which provides support for teachers, schools, principals, Boards of Management and allied school personnel in counties Wexford, Carlow and South Wicklow. Wexford Education Support Centre provides training, development and support for teachers and the wider school community, both in terms of meeting locally researched and identified teacher and school community needs and through involvement in National In-service Programmes.
We also provide specific support to Carlow Education Centre which is one of seven part-time Education Centres in the country. The Education Support Centres of Ireland (ESCI) is the umbrella organisation of the 21 full-time and 7 part-time Education Centres throughout Ireland. It represents the interest of the ESCI network as a whole. Each Education Centre has a defined geographical area of responsibility, our Education Centre forms part of Region 3 along with Kilkenny Education Centre and Waterford Teachers’ Centre.
The Region has 147 Primary Schools and 34 Post Primary Schools with over 4,000 teachers locally.
The Centre opened in 1994 and was awarded full-time status in 1996, since then Wexford Education Support Centre has continued to evolve and grow into a thriving Education Support Centre that provides a large range of supports to the wider education community while working closely with the National Support Services.
From its inception, Wexford Education Support Centre has been progressive in supporting innovation and growth in all areas of Education and more recently we have changed the way we provide continuous professional development as we have moved into the online/hybrid space to provide webinars which have proven to be very popular.
Wexford Education Support Centre has also developed and forged strong working links and partnerships with various agencies and institutions. These active partnerships provide for the provision of specific educational interventions and the development of new opportunities to access post-graduate level study and the administration of a wide range of ancillary programmes.
The Centre’s Local Course provision is extensive, it enables numerous worthwhile projects and programmes including Teaching and Learning in the Twenty-First Century (TL21), Something Fishy, Scríobh Leabhar, Concern Debates, School Excellence Award, Write A Book, Creative Clusters Programme, Teacher Artist Partnership Projects and the BLAST program to mention but a few.
Our Centre is the National Base for Oide Post Primary Wellbeing and is also the base for two NCSE Special Educational Needs Officers. In addition to this, the Centre also acts as a meeting place, a Special Educational Needs Resource Centre and a Research Base.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Teacher Education Section of the Department of Education and Skills for their support in helping us achieve our mission and vision.